From There to Here (2000)

Fraser Union is known for a meaningful repertoire of Canadian material reflecting the lives, history, and landscape that make up this country. From There To Here is a strong representation of those themes.

The title refers to geography and time: the songs span three centuries and move from the Scottish Highlands to Vancouver Island, tracing the movement of peoples and events from the highland clearances to computer programming and globalization.

A sampling of the songs gives a sense of the recording’s themes and relevance. “Lady Franklin’s Lament” tells of the ill-fated voyage in search of the Northwest Passage. Andy Vine’s “Woman of Labrador” is based on the story of Elizabeth Goudie’s difficult life on the land in Labrador. “Empty Nets” by Jim Payne laments the plight of the fishing industry. Bill Gallaher’s “Augustus and Catherine” is the inspiring story of two “Overlanders” who survived their arduous journey on the strength of their love. “Ships of the Deep” is the reflections of Barry Truter, one of the group’s members. Barry’s song describes the harm that has been done to a once-proud industry by ships operating under “flags of convenience.”

The West Coast appears in John Lyon’s “Home Dear Home,” set off the north coast of Vancouver Island, and Fraser Lang’s “Salmon Circle,” about the mysterious and fragile cycle of the mighty salmon. Current and future directions of Canadian society are indicated in the lyrics of Zeke Hoskin’s “The Ghost Program” and Rick Keating’s “One Big Highway.”

Accompanied by guitars and mandolins, the 14 songs on this album form an important reflection of our lives: past, present, and future–From There To Here.

Song Titles

Don’t Cry in Your Sleep, Lady Franklin’s Lament, Woman of Labrador, Empty Nets, Free in the Harbour, Augustus and Catherine, Make Me A Pallet, Home Dear Home, One Big Highway, Ships of the Deep, Bosses’ Lament, Salmon Circle, Canaries in the Mine, The Ghost Program.

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