"Fraser Union rocked the house last night at the Jericho Folk Club.
I brought newbies and they kept leaning over and saying "these guys
are fantastic ... this is wonderful." Yes, indeed, I said, and I
brought you here! FU was at the peak of performance, harmony and
for BC Songbook |
Union] have always sung songs that tell stories of B.C. and on B.C.
Songbook they have devoted the whole album to that theme.
There's the tale of the loggers' hotel in Vancouver in Grand
Hotel, a song about the miserable conditions inside the
Steveston Village Cannery in Canning Salmon and a tribute
to the steelworkers who lost their lives building the Second
Narrows Bridge between Vancouver and the North Shore on The
Bridge Came Tumbling Down. The instrumentation includes
guitar, mandolin, banjo and dobro. [It's] a variety of story
songs sung with enthusiasm and commitment. Solid, dependable,
simple and unpretentious." |
--Tim Readman (Penguin Eggs) |
for This Old World |
to and singing along with Fraser Union is sheer delight." |
Petric (The Folknik) |
Great selection of songs! You all sing about what
matters...and thanks for including my song on such an important
project." |
Allen, Washington State musician and historian |
one is going to sing songs that help define the west coast, it
would be hard to find a better collection than these." |
Gallaher, BC author and songwriter |
version of 'World Turned Upside Down' will make a worthy addition to my
collection - unvarnished, unadorned. Which is what I like about
your treatment of all the songs - respecting the words and letting them
speak for themselves." |
Rosselson, UK songwriter and musician |
for From There to Here |
Union knows how to pick and deliver a song: good harmonies; direct,
evocative, and powerful lyrics; and songs with content. Their songs are
about places far and remote as well as close to home, times past and
gone as well as up-to-date, and issues that trouble one's thoughts and
tweak otherwise impervious hearts and consciences. From There To Here
deserves a lot of praise...." |
Rodriquez (The Folknik) |
songs are delivered with gusto, conviction and often humour, to their
own accompaniment of acoustic guitars, mandolin and octave mandolin.
[They] illustrate the ability of Fraser Union to move comfortably
between widely different types of material - from quiet ballads to
rabble-rousing anthems to satiric humour that leaves the audience
calling for more. There are no throw-away numbers on this CD - each song
is powerful, with the substance of real life."
Postans (BC Folklore) |
for Hello, Stranger |
Stranger is a delightful mix of contrasts: old and new, humour
and passion, blues and British traditional, harmonies and solos,
political and not. Fraser Union's harmonies are gorgeous all the
way. The four voices blend beautifully. The seamless texture they
achieve is a noteworthy accomplishment. Hello, Stranger is
good music. Definitely worth having." |
Sidor (Three Quarter Times) |
Reviews |
just wanted to say that I bought all three of your CDs. Loaded them up
in the CD player and enjoyed them immensely. I really enjoy the west
coast flavour. Your songs really capture the essence of BC life. Thank
you." |
Rathburn, Qualicum, BC |
loved both your CDs (very, very much!) Looking forward to the
Canning Salmon one in the fall. Telling people where I work how
wonderful you guys are! Keep up the good music!"
Lueger, on hearing "Canning Salmon" on CBC Radio
"Each song
is powerful,
with the
substance of
real life."